WAA Membership Benefits

Wickford Art Association Annual Membership

Our current membership year ends December 31, 2024.

Your membership dues help Wickford Art Association fulfill its mission to educate, encourage and inspire. Over 600 members currently receive the benefits and opportunities of membership including a discount on all classes, reduced registration fees for exhibitions, 70% (General Artist Members) or 80% (Juried Artist Members) earnings on any sale of fine art, and the opportunity to exhibit in the Annual Members Exhibit as well as our Small Works- Holiday Sale of Fine Art. Members can also volunteer in many areas of the association from help with our facility and garden to sharing time and artistic spirit with a number of committees that support our creative community.


Wickford Art Association offers various Memberships for artists of varied experience as well as arts enthusiasts. Each membership comes with a series of benefits; review all membership benefits HERE.  The following membership levels are available:


  • General Artist Member (GAM) – $55 per year
  • Juried Artist Member (JAM) – $65 per year…requires acceptance through the jurying process. Dates TBD.
  • Honorary Life Member (LM) – FREE upon invitation of the Board of Directors
  • Student Member (SM) – $20 per year
  • Individual (Non-Artist) Member (IA) – $45 per year
  • Family Membership (FM) – $130 per year…for 2 adults and all Children in Household

Juried Artist Member – FORMS

To display and sell greeting cards or matted works in browse bins at the gallery year-round, please use the following forms:

Member Profile

For all members, WAA would love to know more about you, where we can refer gallery visitors (your website or social media pages), if you exhibit work regularly at other locations, have a working studio, etc.  Please complete the Member Profile and either mail or drop it off at the WAA gallery during your next visit:

How to Become a Juried Artist Member

After 6 months of General Artist Membership, artists may apply to become a Juried Artist Member by submitting original recent works of art for judging by a jury of 3 or more current juried members. Please call the Gallery Director for the next scheduled jury panel

To apply for the JAM Panel, download the application here.  Membership dues must be current by the time of application.

Note: General Artist Members should not pay as a JAM until notified by WAA that the jury panel has accepted you. If you are unsure of your status, please contact WAA before renewing.

Photo Arts Group

Membership into the Photo Arts Group is currently offered at no extra cost for ALL members.

The Photographic Arts Group seeks to help members achieve their potential in film and digital photography. We encourage sharing photographs for discussion and critique to help one another achieve that potential. Guests are occasionally invited to present to the group; technical and other aspects of photography are discussed as well. In good-weather months, the group also travels for plein air photo shoots around the state.

All levels of experience are welcome. The group generally meets the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.m.  Currently, most meetings are occurring through Zoom online. More about current activities of the Photo Arts Group HERE.

For more information please e-mail waaphotoartsgroup@gmail.com.

Contributors are so vital to our SUCCESS!

Most contributors to WAA are also members.  Contributors are those individuals who wish to distinguish themselves as supporters of the arts and Wickford Art Association. Each level of giving is appreciated!

  • Contributors may attend all openings and special events
  • Will receive e-mail newsletters, social media announcements and calendar of events
  • Have multiple opportunities each year to meet practicing artists in our community

Levels of support are:

  • $25 Community
  • $50 Donor
  • $100 Sustainer
  • $250 Patron
  • $500 Benefactor
  • $1,000 Director’s Circle