Fridays, March 22, 29, April 5, 19, 26, May 3 – 4:00PM – 5:30PM (6 Classes)

In this 6-week session, Terry will unlock the secrets of creating art on iPads with the app Procreate.  This will be a beginner course for kids who are new to their devices.  We will be imitating cool art by current artists in the video game and film industry.  Each week we will tackle a new illustration and use different brushes and textures.  Students will love their results and gain confidence each week.

Course Objectives: To educate students as to all the wonderful brushes and textures in Procreate and increase their level of comfort and skill in creating great images digitally.

Materials: Students will need to have a current iPad, a stylus (The Apple Pencil is recommended, but other workable styluses are available) and the app Procreate.

$140 Members | $170 Non-Members