Terry Kole August 16 - 20 Summer brings us a riot of color! Learn the basics of Acrylic painting while painting your favorite summertime things! Based on the students’ wishes we will paint people, animals, places or things....
Terry Kole July 19 - 23 Cameras and sketchbooks in hand, let’s go discover the coolest nooks and crannies in Wickford. We will scour downtown Wickford in search of the perfect picture to sketch and paint. We will take our own photographs...
Betsey MacDonald Tuesdays, April 6 - 27, 9 to 12 Animals are challenging, fun and satisfying to draw. If you would like to learn more about your four-legged friends, there's no better way than to draw or paint them....
Vicki Iannuccillo Thursdays, April 1 - 22, 9 to 12 Experience the characteristics of watercolor painting in this introductory class. If you are a beginner or need a refresher course, this class is just for you....
Michele Leavitt Mondays, April 19 - May 10 (9am-12pm) Learn how to draw in an easy-going studio setting. Participants will explore several general drawing techniques that are part of an artist’s drawing “tool box.” In this segment we will work with line...
Diane Brown Monday, Oct 18 (10-3) This 5-hour class will begin with a demonstration of the Oil & Cold Wax medium. It will give the artist the basic knowledge of this medium and how it works. Artists will learn to mix oil...
Ann Bianchi Fridays, April 9 - 30 (10-12) Have you wished to create a special oil painting of crisp winter colors? Hues related to the season will be a welcome surprise to enjoy by participating in this oil painting class. This...
Jan Armor Wednesdays, Feb 3-24 (10-11:30 am) Explore the work of master photographers present and past, then bring to bear their brilliance in your own work. We will investigate Kertesz, Koudelka, Ho, Erwitt, Blossfeldt, Bullock, and others. Although any camera will do,...
Trish Hurley Tuesdays, Feb 2 - Mar 9 (1-3pm) This class is meant for you to expand your knowledge of art and its formal compositional components as well as think outside your own creative box. Each class will concentrate on one of...
Trish Hurley Wednesdays, Feb 24-Mar 17 (1-3pm) This class is focused on understanding color theory and mixing color using a split palette (see materials list). The investigation of hues, tones, temperature and contrast will give new recipes to your old ways. Each...
Cindy Wilson Thursdays, Feb 4 - Apr 15 (6:30-8:30pm) Through an online platform, students will share their photographs, initiated by a visual or symbolic prompt, with a small group of peers, gaining valuable feedback while offering insight to the others. The goal...